The 413 Fit Club blog

Thanksgiving 2020

Getting 1% better every day works because there is no such thing as the health lottery!


Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus….

The Process

Goals. Everyone loves talking about goals. WE at 413 love talking about goals. I think sometimes we get too excited for a weight loss goal,…

Spooky Season

We can all agree 2020 has been pretty scary. From COVID to shut downs, e-learning, wildfires, and even hurricanes… the uncertainty of tomorrow can be…

Goals That Scare You

In the early part of this year I decided to get a road bike to cross train. I thought if I did it would be…

Six Months Later…

A LOT has happened over the last six months… We have endured a     w  i   d   e     spectrum of…

413 Fit Kids

This week we kicked off our very first 413 Kids class! Class began with me asking each child to introduce themselves and tell me what…

Some Things Don’t Come Naturally

If you saw my instagram at first glance you would think I have been a runner for a while. That running comes naturally to me…

Ouch! That’s Not Good…Now What???

Last month I was able to participate as part of Team 413 in the Wild Billy’s Midnight Classic. It was an epic 8-hour cross-country/relay style…

Beating Distraction Season

We are in the time of year that I like to refer to as “Distraction Season.” I think that one of the reasons so many…

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