The 413 Fit Club blog

I Can’t Run

“Change the word can’t to won’t. This will eliminate self limiting beliefs.” Ben Bergeron Margaret brought us the quote of the week from the Ben…

My Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal (BHAG)

Here is how I plan on attempting a “Solo Unsupported” 100mi hike on the Knobstone.

2022 Gift Guide

Maybe you’re not sure what to tell your spouse, family, or friends to get you for Christmas. Well…we have you covered if you’re a fitness…

The Secret to Success

It’s not the newest workout, nor is it the hardest workout. It’s not the newest diet. It doesn’t come available as a pill in a…

It’s Not Just Who We Are… It’s What We Do

Everyone has ups and downs in their fitness journey. It is not easy but it is worth it.

Community Matters

As I (Mark) age, I seem to see things more clearly, especially the little things.  Is it because of the years I’ve lived, or am…

Qualified Coaches

At 413 Fit Club, our mission is to provide a thriving temple of wellness to our community. We want to be the BRIGHT SPOT of…

Life Hacks!

Surely by now you have seen things on the internet claiming to be “life hacks.” Like peeling a banana from the bottom, or tying something…

Goal Getters

My kids laughed, as I layered my socks with plastic grocery bags preparing to set out on a midweek training run. I googled “how long…

Hurry Up And…Rest

If actions speak louder than words, maybe it is wise of us to consider Jesus’ rhythms just as strongly as we consider His words.

3 Reasons You Keep Quitting

How many times have you tried to diet and end up quitting after just a couple months, or weeks… maybe even a few days? Do…

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