This week we kicked off our very first 413 Kids class! Class began with me asking each child to introduce themselves and tell me what they think fitness is. One by one they took turns introducing their sweet selves and defining fitness in ways that left me floored.
“Fitness is being strong!”
“Fitness is feeling good inside, outside and in your mind.”
“Fitness is being able to move and do lots of things!”
This is pure wisdom from the mouth of children. Not one said, fitness is being skinny. Fitness is having bulging muscles. Fitness was not an aesthetic goal to our young athletes.
First, this is a testament to their environment. What our members are learning inside the walls of 413 is overflowing into their homes and family is grasping a hold of truth, even at a young age. Praise!
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
So, how does 413 define Fitness? It is the ability to move with enough strength, endurance and mobility to thrive daily. Let me say it again….fitness is about thriving, rather than simply “being attractive.” Sure, looking good is a perk, but it is surface level satisfaction. Thriving in this life runs deep to our soul. Thriving means living a life of complete fullness and without limitations.
I have the honor of spending seven weeks coaching our 413 Fit Kids program and I am pumped! The goal is to bridge the gap of inactivity and to instill foundations of fitness they can carry into their adulthood. The hope is to lay a solid foundation for which they can thrive as they navigate a world that defines fitness in a much more aesthetic and surface level sense. If you see some little athletes in the facility over the next few weeks, give them a high five. These are our young disciples! They are strong, they are able!