The 413 Fit Club blog

Inhale. Exhale. You Are Here.

We all enter the gym doors with baggage. Maybe it was a day full of meetings, tough decisions, and not so pleasant conversations. Maybe you…

Stop Wishing. Start Working.

How often have you set some goals for yourself and then not achieved them? I can’t even keep track of the times I have done…

Putting the Pause On

Life got really busy so I took a break from work. It was actually so busy, I took a break from taking my kids to…

I Can’t Run

“Change the word can’t to won’t. This will eliminate self limiting beliefs.” Ben Bergeron Margaret brought us the quote of the week from the Ben…

Positive Self Talk

The last blog talked about mindset. One of the strategies I shared with you to shift your mindset was through positive self talk, so now,…

Setting Yourself Up For Success

We can all use a little bit more positive momentum in our lives. Whether you are looking to just lose 10 pounds, or complete a…

Shifting Your Mindset

Last week, Sam gave us some motivation on getting outside our comfort zone. A phrase, or mantra that we use often in the gym. This…

Growth Happens Outside Your Comfort Zone

I can’t swim. I am a grown woman that sinks like a rock, or else I flail my arms and legs in an attempt to…

Parable of the Sower

Anytime Art gets a 1on1 session, he always tries to stall on the roller at the beginning of our session and steal extra time between…

2019 Pump N Run

Register now using this link.When: October 12th, 20919 @ 11amWhere: 3306 Plaza Dr, New Albany, IN The 2019 Pump n’ Run is brought  to you…

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