The 413 Fit Club blog

2018 Pump and Run

The 2018 Pump ‘n Run is brought  to you by 413 Fit Club as a fundraiser to support Redeem The Dream. A unique combination of…

Let’s Get Healthy

…the next secret to YOUR dream body

Strength Training For The Endurance Athlete

“Train to survive the training” At 413 Fit Club, our endurance athletes train to become stronger, yes; but, really our main objective is to simply…

Hydrate Like Your Life Depends On It

If you know one thing about me, it’s probably that I own a fitness facility. If you know a second thing about me, it is…

Don’t Make Resolutions, Make Decisions

At the end of 2015, I had just finished The Power of Positive Thinking and I liked the way it sounded. My expectation of what…

How Do You Train?

Social media has now overtaken society and now we can see more of people’s actions and ventures than many of us care to; however, one…

20 Things About Your Trainer

The biggest factor in my success has been my increasingly growing faith, but I am still shy to talk openly with most people about it…

5 Fun Ways to Switch Up Your Workout

Believe it or not, even as a fitness coach, I too find myself getting stuck in a rut at the gym. Burnt out on doing…

10 Ways to Change Your Life From the Inside Out

The last year has been quite the journey for me, and I attribute all of my successes to changes I have made in my spiritual…

It’s an Uphill Battle From Here

Earlier today I was in the YMCA finishing up a swim workout and I noticed this guy beside me that just had a HUGE grin…

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