At 413 we have an incredible community. Walk in the door for just a few seconds and you’re quick to be greeted by smiling faces, ready to help you through your dynamic flexibility and partner up with you through any workout. Finishing with high fives all around and probably even a text or FB post telling you how great you did. That’s our community.
We also have a community of go- getters. We love to band together and run muddy obstacle courses and half marathons through the Red River Gorge. All are pressured into this, ooops I mean, all are invited! Speaking of being invited, mark your calendars for March 22nd. There is a sprint Triathlon in Shelbyville and “we are all doing it!”
Community makes the impossible seem possible. After a small poll of our members it’s fair to say most did not have ambitions to tackle the Rugged Red half marathon before a group of friends joined together and said “we can do this!” Member Clint Hanner said, “I blame you people, but I’m not mad about it.” For some, running was daunting, almost impossible. But after months of training and an incredible community, the 13.1 grueling miles through the Red River Gorge was possible.
Community pushes you to do more than you think you would ever do. I am a runner, have been for years but never ever, ever did I have the desire to do a full marathon. Running 26.2 is for crazy people. I am good to run half marathons all day long and then Margaret, our queen of peer pressure, called me out. “Why do you run half marathons if they’re not a challenge?” In the words of Lizzo, truth hurts. So, now I’m training to do more than I ever thought I would, or could, do. I’m joining the crazy people and I’m training to run a full 26.2 in April!! Our community has already rallied behind me doing everything from blessing me with the most thoughtful gifts, writing my training program, and creating a marathon relay team that will double as my pace team.
Community is built in accountability! Ever missed a workout only to have a fellow 413 member text asking where you were? Ever been in a session and “so and so” is usually there but you find them missing and you ask where they are? Community looks out for their fellow members. Those currently a part of the 1% Better Nutrition Challenge have an entire community conversing daily about their nutrition choices and challenges, holding on another accountable and offering empathy on this journey.
Lastly, community makes the hard things fun. Frankly, it is not fun waking up at 4:30am to go swimming. Community makes it all worth it though. Seeing those tired eyes at the pool while we all laugh and figure this swimming thing out together is so fun! Reflect on the hard workouts when you think you cannot grind out one more rep or you will hurl if you flip the tire one more time, your community is always circled around cheering “You CAN do this! You got this! You are crushing it!!” We smile, sometimes even laugh, push through all the pain and get it done!
413 is a community pushing one another to be 1% better. To be all that God has created them to be and to never ever sit complacent.
Do you have someone that would benefit from this type of community? Have them schedule a success session and come with them!
Is there a Big Hairy Audacious Challenge out there you would like the 413 community to do next? Let us know!
For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same functions, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.
Romans 12: 4-5
We have to keep exercising in order to keep ourselves fit and our bodies in shape. To have a community that encourages us and helps us to grow is great. The information in this article is really encouraging. Thank you for sharing.