I Can’t Run

“Change the word can’t to won’t. This will eliminate self limiting beliefs.”

Ben Bergeron

Margaret brought us the quote of the week from the Ben Bergeron podcast: Chasing Excellence. In listening to podcast #96 Bergeron says, “People say they cannot run a marathon, but there are literally people out there with no legs running marathons.” That was all the humble pie I needed for this week…

What are you telling yourself that you are not capable of? 

I can’t run.

I can’t stick to a diet.

I can’t make it to the gym.

I can’t stay on track during the holidays.

I can’t lose weight. 

I can’t push myself. 

I can’t learn a new skill. 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalms 139:14. 

Ask yourself again, how is it possible that you cannot do these things?  If we are made in the image of God and we are as wonderful as scripture says, then how can we fathom the idea that we CANNOT live a life that is glorifying to the one who created us?

It is time we change the can’t, to won’t and take ownership of what is possible.

I can’t run. →   I won’t do things that make me uncomfortable.  

I can’t stick to a diet.  → I won’t do what it takes to create a consistent plan.

I can’t make it to the gym. →  I won’t plan my day in a way that allows me to make time to workout.

I can’t stay on track during the holidays. →  I won’t plan ahead so that I am not glutinous. 

I can’t lose weight. →  I won’t address what has me stuck not making progress. 

I can’t push myself. →  I won’t work harder.

I can’t learn a new skill. → I won’t try. 

If you are stuck in the can’t mindset, walk through the doors of 413 because I assure you, you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.

1 thought on “I Can’t Run”

  1. Thanks for the article.it’s really so worked.Here’s a great way i found to lose weight,I hope it helps some others! https://bit.ly/33RSNHU
    The ketogenic diet is the biggest weight loss trend that ever happend.

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