Setting Yourself Up For Success

We can all use a little bit more positive momentum in our lives. Whether you are looking to just lose 10 pounds, or complete a full ironman, here are some simple tips on making the good decisions easy!

1. Always be ready! Pack a bag of clothes and keep it in your car.

“The best way to ‘get in shape’ is to stay in shape.”

Terry Spine

Then this means that the best way to get ready is to stay ready!

2. Make time. Stop grading yourself with a pass/fail mentality! Here’s our sliding scale for making time in your day.

Good: Find something you enjoy doing. Looking forward to your activity will make it that much more enticing to follow through. It is easy to procrastinate what we don’t enjoy. Do NOT procrastinate your fitness!
Better: Make a recurring appointment on your calendar. Be consistent.
Best: Use a personal trainer. If you’re paying for it, you’ll be there. Check our schedule here.

3. Have a plan. We all suffer from decision fatigue as the day goes on. Let somebody else plan your workouts for you and save some of that mental muscle!

Good: Getting to the gym can be hard enough. The last thing you want to do is create a workout once you get there. Use our online program to provide a plan of attack. Already a member? Our app add-on may be great back up plan for when you are not in our area or on a crunch for time.
Better: Train with a buddy, because an extra layer of accountability is never a bad thing.
Best: Use a personal trainer for guidance, encouragement, and accountability.

Sometimes, some extra creativity is required to make it happen. Not every week will be perfect; so don’t expect it to be. Then don’t guilt trip yourself. Move on and move forward.

Know that you are only one decision away from making a good one!

Start here

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