If you can always walk into a box gym and have a perfect workout routine programmed for yourself, personal training isn’t for you.
If you know how every machine works and have never stared helplessly at the “how to” picture unsure of what it does, personal training isn’t for you.
If you can push yourself past your comfort zone, and have never quit when the workout got hard, personal training isn’t for you.
If you have never skimped yourself of a workout because of gym-timidation, personal training isn’t for you.
If you have never lost the same 5lbs over and over and over, personal training isn’t for you.
If you have never started a new regimen hardcore only to fall off 3 days later, personal training isn’t for you.
If you are this person…..good for you, personal training isn’t for you. You may now close this blog and go on about your day. Also, call me later because there is a good chance your name is Jillian Michaels. However, if you are like the majority of society and you desire guidance, encouragement, and accountability then keep reading because personal training could be for you!
You ARE strong, you ARE able. Do you believe that? We do. Your team at 413 simply helps you connect your willpower to a clear course of action, encompassed with accountability. Change is simple. The difficulty lies at point A. The beginning can be a daunting place when you don’t know where to start. Good news friends, we know where to start! We know what you should do. We see your desire for change, and we won’t let you forget your initial motivation.
Between motivation and success must lie consistency. Consistency in you showing up. Consistency in your nutrition. Consistent programming. Consistent accountability. Overall, a consistent partnership. How many times have you began your journey, only to tap out within a couple weeks of facing setbacks and difficulty? The big box gym does not care if you consistently enter their doors. Your trainer does because we are in this with you.
If you’re in the fitness game to never start over again, accountability, encouragement and guidance are the solution to success. You will find all three of these are 413 and we would love to walk with you as you begin your journey to becoming the best you! Gyms, exercise, and trainers do not have to be scary. We all have to start somewhere. Start where you will be held accountable and guided along the way. You’re more than a scan card on a key ring. You have a story to write and a journey to begin.